How do i bring…

RULES AND HOW TO MOVE YOUR GOODS ALONG WITH YOU TO NORWAY Commonly asked questions to Norwegian customs on Households - import when moving to Norway If you have lived abroad continuously for more than one year, you may bring most of your household effects to Norway free of duties and taxes. You may import your household effects free of duties and taxes if: you have been abroad continuously for at least one year you have owned and used the objects during your stay abroad, and you will continue to use them in Norway you are importing the objects in connection with moving to Norway You have to fill in a declaration for the import of household goods (RD0030) You have to submit the declaration to Norwegian Customs when you arrive in Norway to declare your household goods. If you are unable to be present during customs processing, you must..

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Where can I apply…

Here is how to apply for a offshore job in Norway   There are a number of companies you can apply for. See an overview of companies within drilling, catering, ISO and boat at . See also the overview of OLF's member companies, and also follow up on NAV, staffing agencies and other portals with vacancies. How to increase the chance of getting a job offshore? If you dream of a job offshore, you may have been told that the easiest way to get a job is if you already have offshore experience. It may seem hopeless, but it is not. There are several ways in, and keep in mind that most people employed offshore today have previously been in your position. Here are some helpful tips for you looking for a job offshore.   Know what you're doing Remember that while it can be beneficial with a lot of..

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Where can i get…

This is how you get yourself a norwegian phone number. Sim cards can be bought in: Elkjøp 7-eleven Telehuset You will have to bring a valid ID card, which is passport, norwegian bank card with picture, EU drivers license along with you D-number if you are not a norwegian citizen. Cards can also be bought online from mobile subscription companies such as: Talkmore Onecall Lebara Telenor Telia Tele2  

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Embassies in Oslo, Norway

The following embassies are present in Oslo. To get the most upto date information on active embassies, visit (Norwegian goverment).     Mission Telephone Telefax Email Website Postal address Afghanistan 22 12 35 70 22 12 35 71 Postboks 4050 AMB 0244 OSLO Algeria 22 55 75 31,  21 60 88 30 22 55 75 30 Sigurd Syrs gate 2 0273 OSLO Argentina 22 55 24 48/49, 23 27 32 00 23 27 32 01 Postboks 4085 AMB 0244 OSLO Austria 22 54 02 00 22 55 43 61 Postboks 4014 AMB 0244 OSLO Belgium 23 23 92 20 23 23 92 32 Postboks 4012 AMB 0244 OSLO Bosnia and Herzegovina 22 54 09 60 Postboks 4038 AMB 0244 OSLO Brazil 22 54 07 30/43/44; Postboks 4083 AMB 0244 OSLO Bulgaria 22 55..

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Get a norwegian bank…

How can i get a Norwegian bank account? To be able to open a bank account in Norway, you will first need to obtain a D-number. When you have your d-number, you can apply for «minID» which is an online digital ID. You can then contact the bank you wish to use, and here is a few of the banks in Norway: Dnb, Nordea, Sparebank1, Sbanken, Gjensidige.   D-number is a temporary identity number that can be used for several purposes, such as accessing or getting a bank account. To get the D-number, you must apply for a residence permit from the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI). You can then apply for a d number from the tax office (skatteetaten). You will need a work contract and place to live, for more information, visit and fill out the online form to find the requirements for your situation.  ..

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Where can I check…

For tax changes, complaints and more, . For tax reports, applications related to tax, you can visit . Altinn is the goverments online service, where you can access many services such as: Taxes, company tasks, applications and much more. To access Altinn, you will need to identify yourself online and will need a d-number or person number. Altinn about self: Altinn is developed, operated and managed by the Altinn co-operation, that consists of multiple government bodies. The Brønnøysund Register Center manages the technical solution on behalf of the co-operation, and decides how it should be developed. Today Altinn is a well established and comprehensive platform, and shows great growth both in data volumes, number of connected government bodies and number of digital services. It is constantly being developed with both improvements of current and introduction of new functionality. This functionality is described more in-depth (in Norwegian) in Altinnett. Altinn also..

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Topp 10 feil under…

1. Komme for sent til jobbintervju - Minus skala 9/10 2. Være for passiv under intervju, svare med korte setninger, ikke stille spørsmål til arbeidsgiver - Minus skala 9/10 3. Du snakker bare om deg selv. Minus skala 7/10 4 . Du snakker negativt om tidligere arbeidsgiver. Minus skala 7/10 5. At du vet absolutt ingenting om arbeidsgiver, eller at du kan svært lite om dem. Minus skala 6/10 6. At du vet absolutt ingenting om arbeidsgiver, eller at du kan svært lite om dem. Minus skala 6/10      

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Tips til når du…

Trenger du en deltidsjobb ved siden av skolen? Eller er du på leting etter sommerjobb? Her er våre tips til deg som søker jobb for første gang.   Start jobbjakten tidlig! Det er ikke lett å vite hvordan man skal gå fram for å finne sin første jobb. Uansett er det viktig at du begynner jakten tidlig. De mest populære sommerjobbene og deltidsjobbene forsvinner først. Spør alle du kjenner om de vet om noe sted der de trenger personer som kan jobbe. Kanskje vet naboen om noe, eller noen i familien din. Venner av deg kan ha sett at en bestemt bedrift leter etter deltidsansatte. Bruk kontaktnettet ditt. Det er også lurt å gå innom butikker og bedrifter du kan tenke deg å jobbe i. Ta med søknad og CVen din. Kle deg ordentlig og gå alene, uten vennegjengen. Spør høflig om å få snakke med daglig leder eller den..

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Yrker og jobber som…

Det er svært mange forskjellige lover og forskrifter som avgjør hvem som kan kreve politiattest. Listen du ser her, inneholder derfor bare noen eksempler på slike yrker og utdanninger. Mange utdannelser og yrker krever at du legger fram politiattest dersom du søker deg dit. Liste under bilde [caption id="attachment_464452" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Foto: Firmafotografen[/caption]   Forsvaret Her må du framlegge politiattest Få sikkerhetsklarering for verneplikt eller militær utdanning Tjenestegjøre i FN-styrkene Ta fly- eller helikoptersertifikat Sosialt Her må du framlegge politiattest for å kunne… Adoptere barn Gifte deg i utlandet Være besøkshjem Være fosterhjem Være støttekontakt Få visum til andre land Utdanning Her må du framlegge politiattest når du vil… Studere i utlandet Ta utdanning som politi Ta utdanning som lærer Ta utdanning som førskolelærer Ta utdanning som sosionom Ta utdanning som lege Ta utdanning som ergoterapeut Ta utdanning som sykepleier Få praksisplass i politi eller påtalemyndighet som jus-student Jobb Her..

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